Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hello everyone

Ok guys im back again. sorry for the irregular updates. i've been super busy. So many things have changed during this past few months, Good and bad. I'll start off with the bad stuff first ok, nearly got expelled from school because of attendance. ( as usual ) was given a last warning by my section head. Marisse and i have to retake our stupid audio module again next yr for 6 mths which is a waste of time. im dying to graduate this year. Seriously, i'll quit if i have to retake again next year. The good, filming for toni and guy grad show this saturday! looking forward to the $$$. hahaha. i really need to save man, i've been spending unnecessarily, oh well haha. i'll be going for an interview with silkair this sunday with my girl, jerry. Cant wait! wish me luck. so if i get this job, i'll quit school. Hopefully i get it tho, i've been waiting for this day to come. lalala!! Cant wait for tmr!! swimming and tanning with JM. i love you baby!

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