Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sometimes i wonder to myself, do i really want "this" for the rest of my life? I 've fallen too deep and im afraid i cant get out of it. I dont wanna loose you. Im just scared that this may not be what i want. If only things could be different. Im sorry but i dont know how to say it to you and this is my only way out. You said that if none of us is ever gonna give in then we can never be together. I can never find anyone else to replace you and now that i've fallen deeply in love with you, there's no way out. Im like stuck in a deep deep hole. Its hard for me to give up my religion like it is for you. Many a times people ask me, are you really gonna convert? and my answer is I dont know. Omg i seriously dont know what to do, im stuck and confused.

You are my happiness
you are my one true love
You are my everything
and angle that GOD
sent from above

Your eyes are like the sunshine
your beautiful as the sea
Your kisses feel so lovely to me
Thats why you are my everything

There are so many words
that can express how i feel
you make me feel so beautiful
you made this fairytale
become real

I know I'm not perfect
but ill always be true
i love you so much
ill do anything for you

i know love in the pass
has lead me the wrong way
but this time its real
its just something i can feel

You are my life
you are my dreams
you are everything to me
i hope one day you will marry me!!

You are my joy
you are my pain
life without you
i could not maintain

You are my husband
and i am your wife
Your the one that has
brightened up my life

And all because
you have loved me too
You are my everything!!!!
My fairytale that has come true!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I had awesome fun with my girls yesterday, steph had two extra tickets for NDP so nas and i decided to go. City hall was so fucking packed with soo many people. I waited for steph at raffles city, i was looking out for her but couldnt find her because everyone was wearing the same colours. She was actually just standing infront of me. Waited for nas, cam-whored in the toilet, headed down to NDP. The show was good i enjoyed the fireworks display very muched. We kept laughing non-stop because there were so many funny people. Headed down to BK eating house for dinner. The food was delicious!! Steph's Mee sua was damn shiokk. I had Ban mian and Nas had Nasi Lemak. While i was buying my food, some weird guy gave me his number. He wrote his number on a piece of paper then asked nas to pass it to me. EEEE!! grosss shit. Overall, we had alot of fun! will update soon.
