Monday, September 22, 2008

hehe omg i cant wait! 2 more days to my birthday! finally, im legal to club dont have to sneak in anymore. hahaha but then again i'll miss the thrill. you know the feeling of satisfaction when you get to go in? haha so anw, was at mars place today with nas, steph and mars film group. we had dinner downstairs her place. the beef hor fun was damn shiokaduu ok but they should cut down on the black sauce. Homeclub on sat was pretty ok. Met up with my dearest jerri. Sheesha-ed at arab st then walked to homeclub. We decided to have a pre bday celebration since we're both always busy. =) i had alot of fun with you babe, we should do this more often. maybe once im done with my stupid projects ok. anywayz, the girls and i plan to go to arena on my bday but not too sure cos, 1. busy schedule 2. boyfie might not let 3. its the fasting mth. so yea. we'll see bout that. ok im freaking tired. will update soon. LOVES!

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