Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I havent blogged in a really long time due to the endless amount of projects. Seriously, i think im gonna faint. M8 sucks to the freaking core ok. Luckily i have nas in my group otherwise i think i'll just die. Besides that, my birthday is coming!! hehe 24th september. cant wait! i doubt i'll be celebrating becos of the fasting month and final year projects, i dunno. we'll see. anyway, here are some pics of THE DAYS gala premier. You guys have to go watch the movie ok thx.

meet marisse, i love you bitch

meet steph, my darling jm 9 yrs and counting

meet nas, i love you too! you suck.

mr nick! *steph's honey in white*

step sia our faces

suffian and the girls. hehe

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